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September 30, 2021

Carrefour France and Generix Group successfully finalize the European EURINV19 project

Launched more than 12 months ago, EURINV19 is a project co-funded by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) of the European Commission, in favor of the interoperability of e-Invoicing within the Union. As part of the Connecting Europe Facility program, EURINV 19’s objective is to integrate European standards into platforms such as that of Generix Group and to support companies such as Carrefour France in their adoption of new standards.


For Generix Group and its client Carrefour France, the project was finalized during the summer of 2021 following the demonstration of the results in front of the representatives of the Commission. The work carried out during the project made it possible to implement new services on the e-invoicing platform that Carrefour France uses and shares with its suppliers. These functional innovations respect European interoperability standards as well as the eIDAS regulation, among the main ones:

  • The issuance and receipt of purchase and sales invoices in UBL 2.1 format of European standard EN16931
  • The issuance and receipt of purchase and sales invoices in UN-CEFACT CII format of European standard EN16931
  • The issuance and receipt of invoices in the mixed Factur-X format incorporating a structured data file in UN-CEFACT CII format
  • Transmission of customer or supplier invoices through the European PEPPOL e-delivery Network using the EDIINT AS4 eSENS profile interoperability protocol

In addition, test sessions made it possible to demonstrate to the Commission the European interoperability of the platform used by Carrefour France. Conclusive exchanges have indeed taken place with the English, Swedish and Irish platforms participating in the consortia.

For the next steps, Carrefour France and its provider Generix Group will deploy the new services to Carrefour France customers and suppliers while ensuring the promotion of interoperability standards. As a reminder, EURINV19 is a consortium of a dozen participants from 8 member states (Slovakia, Sweden, Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, France and the Netherlands) collaborating on “the implementation of the European standard within e-invoicing cloud platforms”. The project was coordinated by IRTIC (Institute of Robotics, Technology, Information and Communication) of the University of Valencia in Spain. Nine European eInvoicing cloud platform operators are participating (ELCOM, SATA, NETEDI, GENERIX, CREDIFLOW, QVALIA, TRANSALIS, EASY SYTSEMS and TATRA BILLING) as well as user companies such as Carrefour France. NB: For more information on CEF programs and the HaDEA agency, visit NB: The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Generix Group. It does not bind that of the European Union.

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