Generix partners with VISEO to help customers navigate complex e-invoicing regulations and optimize digital transformation journeys View the press release

Supply Chain
February 24, 2017

[Digital transformation] 62% of the companies are already en route to implementing more modern solutions

The rapid digital transformation that is well underway is a challenge for traditional companies of all sizes. The common obstacle always seems that of inflexible IT systems that make it difficult to keep up with the times as smoothly as they would like. While this may be seen as a load to carry, most companies know that they need to see digital evolution as an opportunity, and are already moving towards making the necessary changes to see it happen. According to our recent IDC survey, 62% of the companies evaluated are already en route to implementing more modern solutions by 2019, and 61% of these companies realize the need to create a higher level of collaboration with their clients, peers, and partners.


A drive towards enhancing productivity

While updating dated and static IT systems is high on many companies’ priority lists, their other main objective is to enhance productivity on a global level. Enhancing productivity levels does not automatically mean cutting costs, but is rather about the ability to do more with less and flowing costs into the right places as opposed to dead-end money pits. It has become increasingly important for businesses to be able to capture and exploit data effectively in real time. This can only happen if they have access to a system where this data can be treated correctly, and where all actors of a company’s ecosystem, including suppliers, transport managers, warehouses, and providers, can easily access and input information.

The need for visibility AND collaboration

Again, this idea of revolutionizing business processes cannot be done without the implementation of flexible and adaptable IT systems that enable collaboration and a high level of visibility. According to our IDC survey the main priorities of businesses are currently enhancing productivity, implementing internal and external collaboration methods, minimizing disruptions and risks, and improving agility. It is therefore clear that we are seeing a real desire to use this digital transformation to make effective and innovative changes.

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e-Invoicing, Regulations

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