Generix partners with VISEO to help customers navigate complex e-invoicing regulations and optimize digital transformation journeys View the press release

September 22, 2020

European Commission's EURINV program: Generix Group is pleased to announce its compliance with European interoperability standards for e-invoicing

On September 8, 2020, in front of representatives of the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility* program, Generix Group successfully presented the developments carried out as part of the EURINV** project. This presentation finalizes the program and enables Generix Group’s customers to benefit from the new European standards for e-invoicing.


Since September 2019, Generix Group has been a member of the EURINV consortium, bringing together 6 e-invoicing operators and 2 local authorities. Funded by the European Commission, the program’s objective is to “implement the European standard within e-invoicing cloud platforms”. This innovative project will enable the new European standards to be deployed in support of e-invoicing and its interoperability.

During the presentation to the Commission representatives, Generix Group demonstrated the implementation and proves its expertise of the electronic invoice syntax standards and interoperability protocol.”

Generix Group’s services users will benefit from these major achievements. Allowing them to send and receive electronic invoices that comply with European standards and obligations. The implementation of these standards will generate savings by limiting interface efforts and accelerate the development of e- invoicing worldwide.

Several architectures are being studied so that the Directorate General of Public Finance can soon present its recommendations on the fight against tax fraud through the mandatory electronic invoice to the National Assembly.

To find out more: read the press release

* The Connecting Europe Facility program is administered by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (IENA) within the European Commission. It funds calls for projects that promote the dissemination of standards and standardized technical components within the 28 member states. This plan promotes digital interoperability in areas such as digital identification, archiving, electronic invoicing, electronic signatures, etc.
For more information on the CEF and INEA program visit
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Generix Group. It does not engage that of the European Union.

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