Logidis moves its Generix WMS warehouse management solution to the SaaS View the press release

June 29, 2022

How a SOLOCHAIN WMS Improves Your Client’s Experience in Food & Beverage

For organizations focused on long-term growth, client retention is vital. Holding on to customers and ensuring that the hard work of lead development and acquisition isn’t wasted is a huge part of business success and shouldn’t be overlooked. One of the most important factors in customer retention is client experience – how customers engage with and feel about the service they receive from an organization.


Retaining and increasing your client base is highly dependent on the overall client experience. Aspects like faster and more accurate order fulfillment, more efficient return systems, and better traceability, all contribute to improving customer satisfaction, and building loyalty.

Client experience is all about how a food and beverage organization understands the perspective of their clients, regardless of whether they are wholesalers, retailers, or even direct consumers. Improving customer experience requires both information and understanding – a comprehensive appreciation of what customers want, and why they want it.

On a basic level, satisfied customers are just far more lucrative than dissatisfied ones. A satisfied customer brings in on average 2.6 times as much revenue as a slightly satisfied customer, and up to 14 times as much as a dissatisfied customer.

As well as building on client acquisition and enabling a strong, loyal customer base, good client experience also integrates your customers into the sales and marketing of your business, encouraging brand advocacy and ensuring sustained and sustainable growth. Word of mouth is a hugely significant part of any company’s marketing, and with over 80% of shoppers distrustful of traditional advertising, one of the best ways to bring in new clients. As a result, delivering positive customer experiences ensures ongoing advocacy and free marketing.

How does SOLOCHAIN help improve client experience?

Digital transformation initiatives and technology investments allow organizations to improve processes and automate operations for productivity and efficiency gains. But warehouse management systems like SOLOCHAIN are not just for improving internal processes. They also can have a massive impact on external perceptions, and significantly improve client experience.

SOLOCHAIN provides real-time inventory visibility, as well as making warehouse and distribution processes more efficient and more effective. The knock-on effect for consumers is increased transparency, faster delivery times, and more accurate order fulfillment, as well as helping to manage return procedures in a far simpler way.

A robust and scalable enterprise WMS solution for Chapman’s Ice Cream

Chapman’s Ice Cream may have grown to become Canada’s largest independent ice cream manufacturer, but they retain their humble roots and links to the community in Markdale, Ontario. Due to inaccurate inventory counts, lack of real-time updates and poor tracking, they struggled with waste, lack of control, and inefficiencies.

SOLOCHAIN was integrated with Chapman’s existing ERP, allowing them to eliminate manual processes by automating data exchanges. The WMS allowed them to enhance the accuracy, timeliness, and availability of the company’s critical data, and track every receipt, move and consumption across the entire enterprise at a very ­granular level. It also gave them the ability to provide inventory visibility, controls and traceability throughout the entire process.

SOLOCHAIN helped Chapman’s Ice Cream to reduce financial risk by nearly eliminating year-end adjustments to inventory and by providing increased transparency and real-time inventory reporting. It gives them increased flexibility and efficiency in building truck shipments and allows them to fully meet individual customer requirements. Overall, it offers the ability to make faster, data-driven decisions across the business.

Tracking coffee from bean to carton

Having only paper-based processes as part of the warehouse operations, the employees of Cameron’s Coffee had to manually check and encode items. Due to a growing eCommerce demand from individual customers, and the need for business growth, as well as new government regulations, inventory accuracy and live reporting capabilities were paramount, and not well served by this outdated system.

SOLOCHAIN WMS transformed their operation process, managing every step of the coffee-making process from roasting through packaging to transportation. SOLOCHAIN tracks the output quantity, as well as time and date for each batch of coffee. This allows Cameron’s coffee to see how many coffee bags are produced during each roasted batch, and measure raw materials needed to produce a set amount of every type and format of their coffee products. The WMS also streamlines existing processes to create mobility in the warehouse while helping employees be more efficient and accurate thus enhancing quality control.

SOLOCHAIN introduced critical efficiencies that have allowed Cameron’s Coffee to grow. Since implementation they experienced an increase of about 50% in total sales, as well as a 200% increase in eCommerce sales. Order fulfillment has gone up to 99.3, and cycle counts show 99.5% inventory accuracy. The warehouse has grown over 25% since between 2018 and 2020, the space was optimized and organized with the help of the WMS, which also supported the eCommerce growth experienced due to Covid.

As the case studies above demonstrate, getting the right WMS is more than about improving efficiency and productivity in the warehouse. As the only combined WMS/MES in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for WMS, SOLOCHAIN gives businesses the ability to scale without reducing the level of service they can provide, as well helping to create better customer experiences right across the supply chain.

As omni-channel driven demands become the norm, with resulting customer satisfaction harder to achieve, supply chain professionals need to leverage advanced WMS technology to keep their operations nimble, efficient, and scaling – especially in these volatile times.

Given Generix Group’s completeness of vision and ability to execute, SOLOCHAIN is well positioned to help companies needing a modern, flexible and agile solution that can easily adapt to their changing needs.

We invite you to contact us to learn more.

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