Rexel Italy boosts its intralogistics performance with Generix WMS View the press release

June 23, 2022

How SOLOCHAIN WMS Improves Your Client’s Experience: Manufacturers

For organizations focused on long-term growth, client retention is vital. Holding on to customers and ensuring that the hard work of lead development and acquisition isn’t wasted is a huge part of business success and shouldn’t be overlooked. One of the most important factors in customer retention is client experience – how customers engage with and feel about the service they receive from an organization.


Retaining and increasing your client base is highly dependent on the overall client experience. Aspects like faster and more accurate order fulfillment, more efficient return systems, and better traceability, all contribute to improving customer satisfaction, and building loyalty.

Client experience is all about how the manufacturer understands the perspective of their clients, regardless of whether they are wholesalers, retailers, or even direct consumers. Improving customer experience requires both information and understanding – a comprehensive appreciation of what customers want, and why they want it.

On a basic level, satisfied customers are just far more lucrative than dissatisfied ones. A satisfied customer brings in on average 2.6 times as much revenue as a slightly satisfied customer, and up to 14 times as much as a dissatisfied customer.

As well as building on client acquisition and enabling a strong, loyal customer base, good client experience also integrates your customers into the sales and marketing of your business, encouraging brand advocacy and ensuring sustained and sustainable growth. Word of mouth is a hugely significant part of any company’s marketing, and with over 80% of shoppers distrustful of traditional advertising, one of the best ways to bring in new clients. As a result, delivering positive customer experiences ensures ongoing advocacy and free marketing.

How does SOLOCHAIN help improve client experience?

Digital transformation initiatives and technology investments allow organizations to improve processes and automate operations for productivity and efficiency gains. But warehouse management systems like SOLOCHAIN are not just for improving internal processes. They also can have a massive impact on external perceptions, and significantly improve client experience.

SOLOCHAIN provides real-time inventory visibility, as well as making warehouse and distribution processes more efficient and more effective. The knock-on effect for consumers is increased transparency, faster delivery times, and more accurate order fulfillment, as well as helping to manage return procedures in a far simpler way.

SOLOCHAIN offers increased customer satisfaction and helps manufacturers scale

An automotive manufacturer struggled with manual data entry processes and paper trail. With a diverse client base, they needed flexibility in order to meet the needs and demands of their customers, while also needing a way to manage operations without expanding the workforce following rapid expansion of the business.

SOLOCHAIN was integrated with and the client’s ERP, and a portal was created offering clients’ accounts which they can use to manage their own orders. SOLOCHAIN automated processes, provided increased inventory visibility, and improved operations at the distribution center.

Thanks to a rapid and seamless adoption of the WMS, the company was able to scale their operations successfully. Eliminating manual data entry resulted in fewer errors and faster completion of tasks, while allowing resources and employees to be more effectively used elsewhere. SOLOCHAIN meant that the manufacturer was able to scale and accept new clients while avoiding negative impact on accuracy or visibility of inventory. Being able to manage orders more efficiently significantly increased customer satisfaction, helped build client trust and loyalty, and created time savings.

SOLOCHAIN: A flexible and adaptable solution for a modern warehouse

With rapid expansion demanding automation of paper-based processes, a capability to scale, and better inventory control, this manufacturer urgently needed a more efficient and effective way to manage their network of DCs. Due to their growing business channels, features such as traceability and lot recall were no longer just ‘nice-to-haves’, but fundamental organizational requirements.

SOLOCHAIN WMS automated the warehouse, eliminating the need for paper-based processes. Lot numbers were generated automatically, alongside expiry dates for perishables. The WMS enabled real-time tracking of inventory through the warehouse, and decreased the time necessary to run a lot recall by 4 to 8 times.

From a customer experience point of view, the manufacturer saw immediate results. Shipping and picking accuracy improved, and customer complaints reduced significantly. The entire operation became more streamlined, more effective, and more accurate, and clients were far more satisfied with the experience they received as a result.

As the case studies above demonstrate, getting the right WMS is more than about improving efficiency and productivity in the warehouse. As the only combined WMS/MES in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for WMS, SOLOCHAIN WMS, SOLOCHAIN gives businesses the ability to scale without reducing the level of service they can provide, as well helping to create better customer experiences right across the supply chain.

As omni-channel driven demands become the norm, with resulting customer satisfaction harder to achieve, supply chain professionals need to leverage advanced WMS technology to keep their operations nimble, efficient, and scaling – especially in these volatile times.

Given Generix Group’s completeness of vision and ability to execute, SOLOCHAIN is well positioned to help companies needing a modern, flexible and agile solution that can easily adapt to their changing needs.

We invite you to contact us to learn more.

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