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April 6, 2023

The Impact of a WMS on Supply Chain Management

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are becoming an indispensable solution to the efficient and agile management of supply chain operations. Ranked in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for WMS is the SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES, marketed by Generix Group North America. SOLOCHAIN is considered by Gartner as a market leader in adaptability, configurability, and ease of use.

This blog post explores the impacts of a WMS like SOLOCHAIN on supply chain management, what roles the technology solution plays in modern supply chains, and the core features of WMS solutions. We also look at how Generix Group’s SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES has the power to transform your warehousing capabilities and the strategic advantages obtained by its implementation.


What is a Warehouse Management System?

WMS is a software application that provides visibility and control over inventory management and distribution operations. It delivers real-time information about inventory levels, location, and movements in the warehouse, making it easier for supply chain managers to make informed decisions about inventory control, labor management, and resource allocation.

The Role of Warehouse Management Systems in Modern Supply Chains

Warehouse Management Systems play a critical role in modern supply chains as a means to optimize warehouse operations, improve customer satisfaction, and increase supply chain visibility. It enables companies to manage inventory more efficiently, reduce lead times, and increase order accuracy, which leads to happier customers and improved brand recognition. A best-of-breed WMS provides visibility into inventory levels and movement in real time, which enables warehouse and distribution center managers to make data-driven decisions.

Key Features of WMS Solutions

WMS solutions offer several core features that make them an essential tool for warehouse and DC managers. Let’s look into these features in greater detail.

A WMS Streamlines Inbound and Outbound Processes

A WMS helps streamline the inbound and outbound processes by automating and optimizing receiving, putaway, picking, and shipping processes. This significantly reduces lead times and increases efficiency. Additionally, WMS can help warehouse operators optimize the use of available space in their facility, sparing them the expenses for additional storage space and improving efficiency.

Real-time Inventory Tracking and Control

With a WMS, supply chain managers can track inventory levels in real-time, allowing for better inventory control and management. This helps reduce the risk of stockouts and overstocking, which improves the operation’s efficiency and reduces storage costs. Best-of-breed WMS solutions also provide traceability capabilities, which are essential to efficient recalls when necessary.

Optimizing Labor Management and Resource Allocation

A WMS can help optimize labor management and resource allocation by providing real-time visibility into labor requirements and availability. This enables supply chain managers to allocate resources more efficiently, allowing them to meet their KPIs with fewer workers.

Reducing Human Error

A WMS reduces the occurrence of costly human errors by automating many of the manual processes involved in inventory management, such as data entry and order processing. This improves an operation’s accuracy and reduces the risk of order fulfillment delays, leading to greater customer satisfaction and better brand recognition.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction with WMS-Driven Supply Chain Management

While we’re on the topic of “customer satisfaction”: A WMS reduces lead times, improves order accuracy, and enables seamless returns and reverse logistics. When integrated with customer facing applications, a WMS provides customers accurate data on the availability of items that interest them. These are just some of the ways in which a WMS can improve the overall customer experience.

Faster Order Fulfillment and Delivery Times

With real-time inventory tracking and control, a WMS helps reduce lead times and improve order fulfillment times. When integrated with a TMS, the WMS also contributes to more efficient shipping processes. This ensures that customers receive their orders quickly and efficiently.

Enabling Seamless Returns and Reverse Logistics

Best-of-breed WMS solutions enable seamless returns and reverse logistics by providing real-time visibility into inventory levels and movements. This makes for efficient and accurate returns processes, reduces inventory shrinkage, and minimizes the costs of these operations.

The Strategic Advantages of Implementing a WMS in Your Supply Chain

Implementing a WMS in your supply chain unlocks several strategic advantages, such as improved scalability and flexibility in warehouse operations, an accurate source of truth to feeds all integrated systems, and a competitive edge through data-driven decision making.

Supporting Scalability and Flexibility in Warehouse Operations

A WMS supports scalability and flexibility in warehouse operations in various ways. The more configurable systems, such as the SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES, make it possible to quickly adapt the WMS to new opportunities, whether that’s opening a new sales channel or meeting a new client’s requirements. Configurability also entails having the ability to adapt workflows to eradicate bottlenecks identified by the system. This enables supply chain managers to adapt to changes in demand and scale to growth when necessary.

Gaining Competitive Edge through Data-Driven Decision Making

A WMS provides valuable data insights that help supply chain managers make data-driven decisions. Better WMS solutions also offer detailed and intuitive reporting capabilities, which makes it easier to identify areas for improvement and stay ahead of the demand signal. If integrated with an ERP and AI application, a WMS dramatically improves a company’s forecasting abilities, giving it the edge over the competition.

Integrating WMS with Other Supply Chain Technologies

We’ve mentioned a few times how a WMS can be integrated with other supply chain technologies to deliver further efficiencies. The usefulness and capabilities of systems and applications like a Transportation Management System (TMS), an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, a Manufacturing Execution System, etc. are significantly expanded by relying on the data provided by the WMS.

Conclusion: The Lasting Impacts of Warehouse Management Systems on Supply Chain Management

The future of WMS solutions and supply chain management is bright, with more and more companies investing in technology solutions that improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. The SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES, marketed by Generix Group North America, is a best-of-breed WMS solution that’s ideal for supply chain operators dealing with evolving demand, labor shortages, and competitive markets.

Generix Group and its SOLOCHAIN WMS were named in Gartner’s 2022 Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems for the fourth year in a row. SOLOCHAIN is ranked as one of the most adaptable and configurable WMS available on the market. With its multi-tier Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and native MES capabilities, the SOLOCHAIN WMS has the power to transform your supply chain operations and drive your business forward.

Start your WMS journey with Generix Group today and experience the lasting impact of WMS on your supply chain management.


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