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B2B Collaboration, Supply Chain, Warehouse
March 9, 2017

[News brief] Presstalis and Generix Group: the success of an ambitious project

Whatever you set your mind to, you can accomplish! This is the type of attitude that we foster at Generix Group, and so do not shy away from even the larger challenges that our clients throw our way. This is why we are so very proud to write about how our client Presstalis has recently received an award for the amazing work they have accomplished over the past year in terms of digital transformation. For the second year in a row, the magazine Solutions Numériques (Digital Solutions) has awarded trophy prizes to different French companies for their use of digital technologies to reinvent and transform their products or business models. This transformation has led to exponential growth and added value both internally and for their clients. This year, Presstalis was awarded the First Prize for Digital Transformation Trophy for Logistics. Solutions Numériques (Digital Solutions) really wants to show how traditional businesses, and not just startups, are able to adapt and survive thanks to digital transformation, as well as to work hard to continue to grow and maintain internal and external development and employment.


An intricately complex challenge

Number one in terms of press distribution in France, Presstalis circulates on average 15 million magazines and 8 million daily newspapers every week to the four corners of France. They achieve this with the help of two different logistical circuits, using national, regional, and local platforms, printing locations, and vehicles (most of which are outsourced). Managing this type of growing infrastructure and demand could have been a logistical nightmare, but after teaming up with Generix Group, both companies were committed to working tirelessly together to create an innovative solution that is in motion today. This solution is extremely flexible and adaptable for future shifts and challenges. An ongoing project and investment since 2014, Generix Group and Presstalis continue to work together to implement a winning combination of WMS and TMS, as well as a Hub One traceability solution that interfaces with both management solutions to manage an extremely complex setup.

An innovative and unparalleled strategy

The ultimate challenge was to help Presstalis completely overhaul their dated system that was having trouble keeping up with the company’s growth. We also needed to simplify processes, while at the same time push towards higher productivity, develop new services, and, of course, boost profitability in a reliable manner. Overviewing such a complicated supply chain required both companies to really think outside of the box to come up with a strategy that allowed for each circuit to work effectively on all levels. For example, every night, Presstalis manages a million preparation lines between 10pm and 5am, ensuring delivery at every one of its network’s 25,000 sales outlets before they open first thing in the morning. Generix Group came up with a company-specific platform, integrating logistics, transports and EDI solutions under one umbrella, which allows Presstalis to monitor and manage their supply chain and services at all levels.

An ambitious and successful project on all levels!

This unique and innovative solution is the fruit of many months of hard work and testing, and we can now proudly say that it was successfully deployed on a national level in 2016. By the end of the first half of 2017, it will also cover over 40 new local platforms! For Presstalis to be recognized based on their ability to look towards the future and adapt their system accordingly is something that Generix Group also takes great pride in. Our ability to work together on such a complex and demanding project, managing enormous amounts of data while deploying at an amazing rate is an unparalleled success for us all in the industry. It goes to show that everyone has the ability to make the necessary changes to move forward, and that we at Generix Group are ready to take on any challenge one of our clients would like to take on together!

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