Logidis moves its Generix WMS warehouse management solution to the SaaS
Generix – a global business software company offering a broad portfolio of SaaS solutions and services in supply chain, finance,…
Logidis moves its Generix WMS warehouse management solution to the SaaS View the press release
With the GS1 Factur-X certification, Generix Group is one of the first 5 certified E-Invoicing operators in France. Factur-X is accepted on the Chorus Pro portal, the French administration’s digital invoicing portal, and is one of the three e-invoicing standards selected by the DGFIP (Direction Générale des Finances Publiques, the French tax administration) in France as part of the upcoming 2024-2026 reform.
Factur-X is a new French-German mixed electronic invoice standard (PDF for users and XML data for automated processing). It implements one of the 2 syntaxes of the European Semantic Standard EN 16931 published by the European Commission on 16 October 2017 (UN-CEFACT CII). It allows a wide adoption thanks to several data profiles: Minimum (18 data), Basic WL (62 data: header, footer), Basic (Basic WL + 22 line data) and Extended (165 data)
Factur-X meets both suppliers’ and customers’ requirements and adapts to companies’ technical constraints. The presence of an A3 PDF invoice image allows for rapid deployment of invoices while meeting the obligations of the European Directive 2010-45-EU regarding invoice legibility. GS1 certification was obtained following the integration of multiple sets of invoice tests on the Generix Invoice Services platform over several weeks. For each Factur-X, a certification report was produced validating the correct analysis of the invoice data, the concordance of the data, the generation of the structured file and the validation of the A3 PDF file.
"Obtaining GS1 Factur-X certification for our group is a further proof of our commitment to the development of electronic invoicing. We are already working with our customers to meet their challenges in term of invoicing and comply with the regulations set out in the 2024-2026 reform."
Christophe VIRY
Product Marketing Manager, Generix Group
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Generix – a global business software company offering a broad portfolio of SaaS solutions and services in supply chain, finance,…
Generix – a global business software company offering a broad portfolio of SaaS solutions and services in supply chain, finance,…
Generix – a global business software company offering a family of SaaS solutions in supply chain, finance, commerce and B2B…
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